Aspirating Smoke Detection Xtralis

 Aspirating Smoke Detection Xtralis

Honeywell Romania exhibits the demonstration panels with the early fire detection with aspirating system from Xtralis at the FIRE PROTECHT exhibition for the presentation of effective solutions for disaster prevention.

VESDA system

The VESDA system from Xtraslis (a member company of Honeywell) is necessary in case of fire emergencies by detecting the earliest signs of fire, by keeping people and material goods away from the fire.

VESDA early smoke detector systems by aspiration provide the fastest possible warning of an imminent fire. VESDA detectors provide the user with the critical time they need to investigate an alarm and initiate an appropriate response, so as to prevent injury, property damage or business interruption.

Early fire detection with aspirating detectors is suitable for a wide variety of applications, being able to provide a early fire warning in most environments, from construction, hospitality industry, information technology (data center), transport terminals or office buildings.


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